Graphic Design

Finding a Graphic Designer for a Small Business

Modern companies recognize the impact of graphic design and try their best to hire competent designers. We can forget the times when a few flyers and mediocre website were enough to conquer the market. A powerful design campaign is a vital aspect of a company to survive and flourish. To be more specific, 60.8% of marketers declare that visuals are a sure-fire way to effective advertising. Yet when it comes to finding an experienced graphic designer, it can get challenging.

Graphic design requires a high level of precision and a complex set of skills. If your company is looking for more than a few Facebook banners, then you might be considering a more reliable hire. The good news is that supply meets demand. You can find various options and people offering design work. Nonetheless, if you run a small business, there might be some obstacles. It’s challenging to find the most suitable alternative that would meet your criteria and budget. So, in this article, we want to discuss what are your options if you are looking for an experienced designer while managing a small business.

How to Find a Competent Designer?

If you have a small business, it can be complicated to find the money for professional design work. That leads to in-house design or cheap freelance help. We believe that even with a limited budget, you can find a trustworthy graphic design service. Thus, we want to give you a brief overview of possible options to execute your creative projects.


Usually, large companies hire agencies to take care of their design projects. Although it might cost more, you shouldn’t take an agency service off the table. In the end, you get high-quality work and save tons of money and time in terms of searching for other options. Other than that, most of the agencies work on several subjects. Thus, you can expect to receive not only design solutions but also other marketing tasks too.

Some more benefits to consider: agencies have qualified experts who know how to execute a project from its core. So, the work does not only look professional, but it also brings additional benefits such as increased sales and brand awareness. At the same time, however, agencies lack flexibility and can take a while to fix even minor changes.


A freelance graphic designer might seem like the best option for a small business, yet not necessarily. In many cases, companies hire freelancers because their services are usually cheaper. Despite the low price, they forget how long it takes to find the right one and how much money they waste on low-quality work or fraud.

Despite some disadvantages of freelance workers, they can offer plenty of benefits. Freelance work is flexible, and most of the designers adapt their schedule to fit yours. Moreover, if you find a reliable freelancer, communication is more direct and efficient.


According to Lietuvos grafinio dizaino asociacija (LGDA), a full-time graphic designer in Lithuania earns almost 900 euro per month on average, plus healthcare and social benefits. However, only a few companies require full-time employees to handle graphic design tasks. It can be beneficial as in-house designers know the company and their work can be directly managed. On the other hand, a company spends more money than the amount of work it requires. So, if you are already conscious about your company’s spendings, a full-time hire might not be the most feasible option.

Do it yourself

Well, as much as you might be struggling with finances, if you aren’t a professional graphic designer, it’s not a good idea to do design work yourself. Of course, some small tasks don’t require a lot of skills, but it’s better to present your business professionally. Before, we discussed how people tend to develop the brand association. And trust us, no one wants to be identified with poor design choices. So, as tempting as it seems, don’t be frugal when it comes to design.

Subscription-based service

If you are looking for a perfect middle for your design projects, we offer a subscription-based graphic design service. It works for small businesses and bigger enterprises. It has plans with different features, which gives you the flexibility to choose what suits your business best. We gathered a team of skilled graphic designers, so not only the price fits the small business budget but also work quality meets the highest criteria. Also, all operations are done through the platform, so you can be sure that the work is delivered on time and your money pays off.

No matter small or large, every business needs a proper design strategy. There are various options you can choose from. However, for smaller enterprises, it’s more complicated to find professional designers to suit their budget. We recommend spending enough time to calculate all the options mentioned above and try to decide which one will bring more benefits in the long run. Because as it’s said, when you buy cheap, you buy twice.

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